July 10, 2010

I am mummy to be!

Dunno how to start my post today, it is so overwhelming, until i dunno how to say it. Its been 2 months i was waiting for this moment, and finally, Alhamdulillah........ :)

Tgk gambar kat atas tu? Yup, pregnancy test, and....positif! yeeehaaa~ Happy sgt, but biar aku ceritakan kronologi peristiwa ni ye..

Middle of June : i was at my desk, kat office, when my boss suddenly datang dekat meja aku, untuk tunjuk beberape documents that need to be corrected as soon as possible utk big boss. At that time, before that dah rase tak sedap badan, sebab mcm tak kena semua benda. Then, masa boss bebetul dalam jarak beberape inci aje dari aku tu, i can feel that air liur dalam mulut aku penuh gile. Sampai rase mcm mulut banjir, aku kene tutup mulut dan tak boleh cakap, aku just angguk2 aje kat bos sambil doa gile2 boss cepat habis berleter. Then, habis je boss blah aku terus lari pegi toilet, muntahkan semua yg ade dalam mulut, sampai terduduk atas lantai toilet. At that time, tak fikir ape2, except, aku tak sihat....couple days after that, aku terus buat medical check up, untuk tahu kolestrol, diabetis etc.

a week before majlis bertandang 3 july,2010:
selalunya aku pening, tapi aku mmg selalu pening, dan aku ingat perkara biase. i also often lost focus bila org bercakap, sebab rase loya. but, masa tu aku fikir, maybe sebab selalu escape lunch, breakfast, so perut masuk angin, sebab tu nak muntah selalu.

3 july, 2010:
Hari ni majlis bertandang, aku stress sikit hari ni, sebab entah gabra ke macam mana, so, usually bila aku gabra, stress, and mebggelabah, aku akan rase nak muntah. i thought it was normal. Kan bile nerves aje mesti nak termuntah, hahahaha so, normal lah kan? huhuhu berlarutan sampai majlis habis and semua org dah balik, aku rase letih melampau2. Masih tak tau lagi ni..hahaha

4th July, 2010:
Semua org sibuk mengemas, me too. Cuma aku rase cepat penat dan asek nak tido. Aku pun tak ade mood nak buat keje luar rumah and folus kerja2 dalam rumah walaupun dalam hati rase mcm nak tolong kat luar sikit, but aku buat sikit2 aje laaa. Hubby pulak mmg active habis. Semua kerja dia balun. tried few times to help him, but end up with "B masuk dalam laa, buat keje dalam.." so..i felt ok kot..haha then aku buat keje sikit2, pastu tido...tetap, rase penat gile2 mcm aku yg buat keje sgt byk!

5th july, 2010:
weird sikit, bila aku basuh periuk, then aku jugak angkat periuk belanga besar2 tu, dan aku rase teramay nyilu dekat perut aku...sgt2 mcm kene hiris pisau. Aku relek aje, buat lagi keje lain, angkat pinggan yg byk2, angkat bakul, rasa nyilu everytime angkat barang agak berat. Sakit mcm takleh cakap, so aku duduk jap, diam, relek. Aku sgt loya. So, aku ingat maybe perut kosong. Aku suruh husband beli asam. Dia beli, and rase lega gile bila dapat makan asam :)

6 July,2010:
ok, start sgt tak larat, asek tido bila ade peluang. Pantang nampak bantal, aku asek tido. Masih kat rumah pahang, so aku segan nak tido byk, tapi apekan daya, gile2 mcm pening and loya. Aku byk tido hari selasa ni. Lepas tu, ada 1 masa tu, aku amik fon, then check calender, saje2, sebab terasa mcm period aku still tak dtg lagi. Cek punya cek, aku mcm pelik, and a lil bit confused, period tak datang dah 10hari???? aik.....period cycle aku dalam 31-39 period was 26th May,2010. May tau...hahahaha

7th July,2010:
Pagi2 suruh hubby pergi beli pregnancy test, sebab die nak pegi pekan jap. So, die pun blur2 but excited jugak...terus pergi beli, petang pukul 4pm mcm tu die balik, and terus suruh aku test. Aku kate takleh lah...aku belum nak terkencing taim tu..hahaha padahal gabra...kuikuikui...dalam pukul 6 kot tak silap, aku pegi toilet and test benda tu...........and the result is..POSITIVE!!

At that time i was so happy, but masa tu rumah mak mertua, have to control a bit...aku termenangis sikit, lepas tu kesat2 mata sume, inform husband aku...he was excited and happy, tapi mcm blur2 jugak. Dia takut tak betul kot......he hugged me, and i had lot of kisses lah of coz....from him... :)

Itulah ceritanya, and after cek doctor semalam, i am 5 weeks pregnant! Woow...5 weeks? sebulan lebih la? Indahnye.....................Tapi morning sickness aku sgt teruk. Only God knows how terrible it is, from the beginning until now. Hehe, ok lah, nanti nak tulis lagi pasal hidup as mummy to be, i bet you, your husband will be the one who changed a lot, sebab thats what happened to En.Azuan. Nanti i cerita next post...

Utk semua yg ucap congrats kat fb, bffs yg sms cakap congrats and everything...i love all you much, and thanks a lot :)

Take care ya...daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

15 ideas:

Aini Qamariah

ala...typo byk..ah lantak laa..malas nak betulkan..asek2 malas je lately...pastu, malam td mimpi main combat2, and belasah2 org dalam mimpi tu, mcm perang2, semua laki..aku je pompuan...petanda apekah? hahahah


bestnye!! I yg excited gile okeh...
can say u nie bunting pelamin la tak? Take a gud care of ur health!

Aini Qamariah

hehe thanks anon!!!! lebih kurang kot..tak pelamin sgt..hahaha ok2...u take care too ya!


oit, kata beli clear blue ??

nani jay

aku senyum je baca cite2 kmu ni..yg aku paling rasa lawak ialah masa kmu chat ngn aku kmu ckp psl kmu punye air liur terkumpul tu..mmg aku agak buatan orang...jdnye mmg sah la BUATAN ORANG!!!demmittt!kenape tak terpk?sebab kmu ckp ngn aku kmu nk plan.HAHAAHAH!

i am extremely happy for u girlfriend.I AM!!!!auwwww...tak sabar2 for the moment!!

please take a good care of urself from now on babe!

oh oh, aku nak jd orang pertama tgk baby kmu nnti!among us la!! :)

Aini Qamariah

her: aku ym je lah nak menjawab ni..panjang..haha

Nani: huhu, yela..masa tu ingat aku kene sampuk ke ape tah..hahah :)) memandangkan rashida selalu lembab, sebab moktam dan die membawa beban badan yg berat, maka aku pun rase, yg kamu yg akan tgk dulu sebenarnya sebab kamu lebih kurus dari mereka berdua..bahahhaha :))


beb, ak ada bace pasal 6th parenting expo 2010 kt midval 20-21 aug..bln pose sure best..jom crash beb!!

hana yoriee

aini..congrats for that gud news!! take care of ur health..jgn lupe makan folic acid n etc2 yg Dr bagi was soooooo important for the baby that will be born. =)


hurm.. happy for you tu.. tapi sad for you sebab wedges coach kamu bakal tinggal kenangan je :P

nani jay

wedges coach tu bole kasi aku!!!

Aini Qamariah

her:serius??? haruss aku ke sana! sile bunyikan loceng bila dah nak sampai date tu that time, kite dah 10weeks ++ kan...? huhuh

Hana: ok, i ingat, mmg dah mintak kat doc byk3 segala macam vitamin..hehe :) hope everything will be smooth,fun and fine~ Thanks!!

Anon: erkkk...No-No-No...tetap berwedges tggu sampai gagal menampung berat, baru tukat flat shoe..OMG!

BFFN: hahahha, ok...selepas beberape bulan...hahahah

Iryani Azlan

Sayang.................Congrats!!!!!!!!!i am so happy for u... but but, i want to talk you on few things.. dont worry , it is all wedding related. how do i email u dear? sejak jadi wifey nih busy je...

Aini Qamariah

yanie darling, email aje kat or, sms i, 0122313669....hehe :) thanks ok!


CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! ha kan dah capslock! eee best kan.. awal gila ko dpt detect eh.. aku dulu dah 7weeks ke 9weeks br tau... so take care k!

Aini Qamariah

hi imma! thanks! best laa ko dah dapat baby comel giler!!! huhuhu ko pun take care yeh!! daAAAAAAaa

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